Modeling approaches to representing the joint
Modeling environment does allow for pressure fit joint but not for joints forces into place out of position - meaning that if their fit would be loose they could be assembled without force Attempt at modeling two adjecent ruled, developable surfaces, with the joint piece bridging over the ridge line -crease Double curved attempt-modeling the surface strips as smoothly deformed double curved strips.
Conclusion: CATIA does not support the contact/pressure fit joint for complex surfaceobjects as it is the case in the seam curfaces in these examples.    
Simplified flat version of the joint without initial curvature. Curvature gets introduced later throug momentum.    

Neutral, undeformed state of the joint, which is being clamped around the two sectional sides.
The seamline is contected through a pressure fit contact joint along the elngth of the seam with an overlap of 0.001mm

In plane - in tension with 200Nm in y direction    
Displacement image - webbing shows the pressure fit connection Von Mises Forces with 200Nm pulling in y axis Von Mises Forces with 2000Nm pulling in y axis
Translational magnitude map    
Oposing momenti in the two parts 40Nm along x Axis  
Displacement Friction Pressure
Stress map