CADenary tool v2
developed by Axel Kilian using processing by Ben Fry and Casey Reas and a Particle Spring library by Simon Greenwold.
The original CADenary project was developed by Axel Kilian, Dan Chak, Megan Galbraith in 2002 using C++ as a final project for a Computer Graphics class. It was further developed by Axel Kilian for a hanging model workshop co-taught by John Ochsendorf, Axel Kilian, Barbara Cutler, Eric Demaine, Marty Demaine and Simon Greenwold in 2004 and 2005.
Old cadenary page


standalone executable for WINDOWS

standalone executable for MAC

standalone executable for LINUX

ACADIA paper, Axel Kilian

IASS paper by Axel kilian, John Ochsendorf
